Claudia He Yun
About Me
I am a postdoc at the University of Michigan. My mentor is David Speyer. Last year, I was a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for mathematics in Leipzig, working in the math software group lead by Michael Joswig.
I received my Ph.D. from Brown University under the supervision of Melody Chan. My research interests include tropical geometry, combinatorial and computational algebraic geometry, and broadly combinatorics. I did my undergraduate studies at Smith College.
I use she/her/hers pronouns.
Here is my CV.
Contact Me
Email: clyun at umich dot edu
Office: East Hall 1858
Published papers/preprints and recorded talks
On the topology of the moduli of tropical unramified p-covers,
with Yassine El Maazouz, Paul Alexander Helminck, Felix Röhrle, and Pedro Souza.A Serre spectral sequence for the moduli space of tropical curves,
with Christin Bibby, Melody Chan, and Nir Gadish.
Preprint.Positive del Pezzo Geometry,
with Nick Early, Alheydis Geiger, Marta Panizzut and Bernd Sturmfels.
Submitted.Some thoughts and experiments on Bergman's compact amalgamation problem,
with Michael Joswig, Mario Kummer and Andreas Thom.
To appear in Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie.Discrete Morse theory for symmetric Delta-complexes.
Preprint.Equivariant Hodge polynomials of heavy/light moduli spaces,
with Siddarth Kannan and Stefano Serpente.
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 2024;12:e34. doi:10.1017/fms.2024.20Homology representations of compactified configurations on graphs applied to M_{2,n},
with Christin Bibby, Melody Chan, and Nir Gadish.
To appear in Experimental Mathematics
Please check out our Github page for the code and data.
Recording of talk at GOCCTopology of tropical moduli spaces of weighted stable curves in higher genus,
with Siddarth Kannan, Shiyue Li, and Stefano Serpente.
Adv. Geom. 23 (2023), no. 3, 305–314.The S_n equivariant homology of the tropical moduli spaces Delta_{2,n}.
Experimental Mathematics (2021): 1-13.
Supplementary Sage code.
Recording of talk at TGiZ.Puzzling and apuzzling graph,
with D. Gold, J. Henle, C. Huang, T. Lyve, T. Marin, J.Osorio, M. Puligandla, B. Weick, J. Xia, and J. Zhang. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, vol. 13, no. 1 (2016): 1-10.
Ongoing projects
Computing stable homology representations of graph configuration spaces, with Eric Ramos
University of Michigan
Instructor. Math 465, Introduction to Combinatorics, Winter 2024.
Instructor. Math 105, Data, Functions, and Graphs, Fall 2023.
Brown University
Teaching Assistant. Math 520, Linear Algebra, Spring 2022.
Teaching Assistant. Math 520, Linear Algebra, Spring 2021.
Teaching Assistant. Math 520, Linear Algebra, Fall 2020.
Instructor. Math 100, Introductory Calculus II, Fall 2019.
Teaching Assistant. Math 90, Introductory Calculus I, Spring 2019.
Teaching Assistant. Math 100, Introductory Calculus II, Fall 2018.
Smith College
Tutor. All math courses below multivariable calculus and linear algebra, Fall 2016, Spring 2017.
Instructor. Introductory Java Programming, Winter 2016.
Tutor. CSC 212 Data Structures with Java, Fall 2016.
Tutor. PHY 215 Introductory Physics III; PHY 210 Math Methods for Physicists and Engineers, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016.
Grader. AST 111 Introductory Astronomy; PHY 117 Introductory Physics I; PHY 215 Introductory Physics III, Fall 2014, Spring 2015.
Learning Assistant. PHY 117 Introductory Physics I, Fall 2014.
GirlsGetMath @ ICERM . Teaching Assistant. Apportionment. Summer 2019.
Summer Science Program. Teaching Assistant and Residential Assistant. Multivariable calculus, Introductory Physics, Introductory Astronomomy, and Python Programming, Summer 2018.
Expository Writings & Slides
I was on the organizing committee of the Brown Math Circle from 2018 to 2022. We organized weekly trips to a local middle school and a local high school to teach math through activities and games.
September 30 - October 2, AWM Research Symposium, Atlanta
July 10-14, SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
April 26-28, Graduate Student Meeting on Applied Algebra and Combinatorics, KTH Stockholm
Cover photo by Alicia Turbitt